Quick Fire Q&A – Product Selection and Datafeedr

August 6, 2010 Steve

Today’s post features a Quick Fire Q&A for Frances and Carl who wrote in with the following two questions:

Frances – Product Selection

“I am new to affiliate marketing and want to design a parent/kids site around affiliate sales. How do I figure out which kinds of products have the higher commission rates – e.g. musical instruments pay more than electronics?

Is there anything else I should consider when designing my site.”


Hi, Frances, how are you?

Here’s one way to figure out how much you could make from a particular product:

1. Pick a product you may want to sell
2. Figure out a rough average price for the product
3. Find a few merchants selling it (who have affiliate programs)
4. Check their commission rates

[Multiply the average price by the commission rate, and you have the amount that you’ll make per sale of the product.]

5. If they give you the information, have a look at their average ‘conversion rate’ (the percentage of people who see the product on their site who then go on to purchase it).

[Multiply that percentage by your ‘amount per sale’ number, and you have a very rough idea of how much you’ll make for every visitor you send to their site.]

6. Figure out how much traffic you think you can get to your site each month, and a percentage of that traffic that you think you’ll be able to send on to the merchant.

[Multiply those 2 together to give you a rough figure for how many visitors you’ll send to merchants each month. THEN multiply that the ‘amount you’ll make per visitor’, and you have a rough figure for how much money you could make per month if you advertised that product.]

A lot of this will be finger in the air stuff, but the more you do it the more you’ll get a feeling for it.

Hope that helps & sorry for the extreme use of the word ‘multiply’!


Carl – Datafeedr

“Have any of you guys had experience in using datafeedr?

If you have stayed away, why was that?

What do you recommend out of Datafeedr, popshops or ECU?




Hey Carl.

First of all, let me say that I have a vested interest in this as ECU is our baby – That being said I believe all three are truly outstanding products that actually serve quite different purposes, and I’d have no hesitation in recommending any of them.

You haven’t said in your question what it is you want to achieve – Are you looking to quickly knock up sites from datafeeds? Monetise existing content with relevant products? All three products will to one extent or another enable you to populate an affiliate site with products courtesy of merchant’s product feeds. The main differing factor between them is exactly what you’re expecting them to do for YOU, and the level of technical knowledge you may have.

Obviously if you’d like to know more about Easy Content Units and what it can do for you, I’d be more than happy to walk you through the system and demo just how simple it is to use. Just give me a shout on john@easycontentunits.com.

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