Single Product Site with Keyword Domain

September 24, 2009 Steve

Today’s Clinic Q&A comes from Pete.

Pete would like to know what the docs think he should do when trying to set up a site for a single product using an exact match keyword domain:

“I am in the process of setting up a site to push a single product to a merchant.  I have an exact match keyword domain (let’s call it, but I’m unsure how to structure what will effectively be a landing page.

I also have an exact match domain for the wider product area,, but I wanted to use the single product domain name to specifically capture the traffic from the exact match searches that are carried out each month.

I’m aware that landing pages are a no no unless you can add a decent level of value to the end user by way of quality content, including a minimum requirement of pages so as to avoid it looking like a ‘thin’ site.  I could feature related products to flesh it out, but intended to do that with using the advice from Smingle’s post in the A4U forum.

What’s the best way to tackle this?

Many thanks.”


Frank PaulHi Pete.
I would create a mini site for the and probably set up a 4 page website with the home page being about the actual product and as descriptive as possible, with a nice big call to action placed on the home page also.  I would then create 3 other pages with variations of the keyword searches.  There are 2 ways to determine which additional keywords to target:
1. By looking at the Google keyword tool for other keywords around that product which seem to be getting searches (remember the Google tool is not entirely accurate).  For example, if the main keyword gets 10k exact match searches, then look down the list of the other keywords and create additional pages based on these keywords – think “supersmashingredwidget prices”, “compare supersmashingredwidget”, “supersmashingredwidget reviews” which are all call to action type keywords in which the visitor will be in the purchasing mind frame, then create nice and informative pages of additional content based on the subject.
2. Use the old fail safe – What would YOU search for if you were looking for this/another product?  Use these keywords to create additional pages on the website.
If it is a true niche site which is promoting a single product, creating a mini site with 4 content rich pages will give you extra search traffic from the long tail searches, and thus much more likely to convert to a sale also.
Try not to over analyse things as it doesn’t need to be complicated, it just needs to be nice and simple with an easy “exit” button.  A lot of people tend to forget that the purpose of an affiliate site is to get the customer onto the merchant’s site as quick as possible, whilst ensuring they have a nice journey along the way.
Hope this helps and good luck.


Kieron DonoghueJust put yourself in the shoes of a visitor to your site, if you were to search Google for a “supersmashingredwidget” then what would you look for when you come across a site selling that product?  The key is not to overthink it, a product description, some images, user reviews and price comparisons from different retailers is all it needs.

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2 Responses to “Single Product Site with Keyword Domain”

  1. I like the advice. I have a single product niche site but it currently stands at just one page.

    Using this advice I will add some more pages with the aim of getting some long tail traffic.


  2. Cheers Joe. Best of luck with the site.

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