Welcome to Dom Hodgson

October 25, 2010 Steve

Dom “The Hodge” Hodgson is the 23 year old blogger, speaker, conference organiser, Hariboholic funny man and founder of Hodgetastic in Leeds, Yorkshire. His first encounter with t’internet was at the local library as a teenager, and as a bit of a geek, it didn’t take long before he was building his very first site on Geocities and Fortune City (but you’ll have to get Dom very drunk to extract the url!).

A familiar face on the conference circuit for a number of years, Dom set up his own conference to plug a gap he spotted and cover “the things that usually get left behind in the web design process”. In March 2009, Think Visibility was born. With four very successful and critically acclaimed conferences under his belt, Think Visbility focuses on a mainstay of subjects such as SEO, PPC and Affiliate Marketing, but covers other areas such as domaining, usability, accessibility and Social Media.

When he’s not preparing and organising the next Think Vis, Dom organises and gets involved in a number of ‘Hack days’ – for those of you who don’t know what they are, in Dom’s own words, “… it’s where you stick a load of people in a room, feed them, water them, take them out for occasional walks, give them power and WiFi and see what they build :)”.

Prior to his many ventures and interests, Dom worked as a special needs carer at a Mencap respite centre for 4 years (2 spent as a volunteer). To this day, Dom continues to help out deserving causes and charities, and at the beginning of 2010 he started a series of charitable runs under the banner of “Hodge On The Run” (when’s the next one?!).  His first run was to help raise money for a charity close to my heart, The Pace Centre. This entailed Dom wearing a pilot’s uniform and running(?) several miles around Leeds city centre with a toy car on his head. If you’d like to see more, give him a poke to sort out the next challenge!

Away from all geekery and event organisation, Dom likes to relax by sitting back, putting his feet up and, wait for it, partaking in even more geekery with a session or two of Minecraft.  With a penchant for ‘adventures’, Dom has a habit of doing silly things; to give you an idea, here’s a classic example of when he went on a bagel delivery caper!

Dom has kindly agreed to come on board and help out as an Editor at Affiliate Doctors, so without further ado, welcome on board Dom!

Dom’s Bio

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