PPC with The Clickbank Code
Darren wrote in to ask the following question about using PPC with The Clickbank Code:
“I have just started in affiliate marketing and love the concept. I do strongly feel that this has a huge part to play in the future of marketing and product delivery. My question is – from the time I set my site, get my PPC campain up – what is the average time it SHOULD take to start generating orders? I have started with The Clickbank Code – I use Clickbank for now.
I do have a few other ideas for some sites but am trying to learn as much as possible for now.”
Impossible to say unless you give us some more information about your sites, what you are selling and how you are generating traffic.
Clickbank is highly competitive and it depends on how well you set up your PPC campaign. If you target poorly, you may find that you run out of daily budget before sales happen. I’d guess that you should be able to get traffic converting the same day if you work on your adgroups and pick good action orientated keywords which target searchers in the buying/acquiring mode, rather than people in the research phase. Make sure you create targeted adcopy with the main keyword(s) worked into the adcopy along with the benefits associated with your product etc., and don’t forget to use negative keywords so your ad only shows to those you want it to.

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