Welcome to Carl Hendy
Carl is an experienced corporate SEO consultant at leading SEO Agency, Ayima.
With over 13 years experience on the web, Carl’s early exploits and passion for IT began at an early age when he would try (and succeed in) hacking his school computer network. It wasn’t long before Carl began to hone his skills and put them to better use when he started building basic sites and learning how to generate traffic (his first journey into SEO), before succeeding to generate a healthy income through lead generation and affiliate marketing, all whilst his mates were doing paper rounds!
Carl continued to develop his SEO skills with his own sites, and while working as an MCSE engineer, he developed and later went on to sell the largest online Nintendo Wii community site. Then, Carl had a “clever idea” and decided to try his hand working in the banking sector as a “Tradddderrrrr” (something his Ayima boss, Rob Kerry likes to rib him about!). Thankfully, Carl decided that it wasn’t for him and made a swift return to the net before landing his current role as a fully fledged SEO with Ayima.
Splitting time between his home town of Norwich and where he currently lives on the Thames Estuary, Carl is keen to stress that he’s ‘not an Essex boy’. Outside of work, Carl likes to indulge his allegiance as a long suffering Liverpool fan and loves to watch Alan Partridge, Derren Brown and The Inbetweeners. A self-confessed Grand Designs addict, Carl plans to one day tackle his own development and is constantly sketching out his ideas.
Carl’s main areas of expertise are SEO, affiliate marketing and domaining. He enjoys helping and advising others wherever he can, as in his own words, “I’ve seen too many people invest too much time and money into websites that just will never work because of false promises that someone has told them”. We’re delighted to welcome Carl on board to the Affiliate Doctor’s panel and look forward to reading some insights in the coming weeks.
Welcome on board Carl.

[…] Carl’s Introductory Post […]